7 years ago today, almost to the time of the publication of this post, our first daughter was born. Her arrival was early, fast and full of drama ? she was (literally) born to make a dramatic entrance.
Some of her birth items ? a tiny premmie dress (she only weighed 5lb born and was too small for 00000!), the measuring tape used in hospital and the felt blindfold used when she underwent phototherapy for jaundice.
And the drama has not diminished in the intervening years.
For my daughter is a girl of extremes. Extreme joy turns into extreme despair many times in the course of a day. There is no in-between. There are no shades of grey. She is intense, emotional, demonstrative and craves individual attention. She cares deeply for others and is loyal and true.
Matilda is strong. She is strong physically and mentally, when it comes to things that she really wants.
But she is vulnerable too. While she is strong she is not especially resilient but she is working hard to build up her emotional reserves and better face disappointment.
Matilda is musical. She loves singing and dancing and playing on the piano. Obviously, she also loves drama ? her brother often complains that she is using her ?adult hands? again when she gets caught up in telling us a tale.
She is imaginative. Her stories are fantastical and her ability to see the potential in everyday objects to make craft items is uncanny.
Matilda loves to play games. It doesn?t matter whether it?s a board game, card game or video game, she loves nothing more than to play a game with someone.
She is definitely her father?s daughter and enjoys inspecting his models and checking out his newly constructed terrain for tabletop wargames.
Matilda is happiest with her family. She does not always like staying with others or straying too far away from home at night. Home is definitely where the heart is for her.
She loves school and learning and applying what she knows to her life. Last week she asked me to set up PowerPoint document for her and she proceeded to make some slides on ?people in the community?!
Matilda loves demonstrating what she knows and is always the first to raise her hand to answer a question, anytime, anywhere.
She longs to have a dog of her own and is currently weighing up the pros and cons of different breeds and researching what she needs to do look after one.
For a 7 year old Matilda is not very worldly and still loves ponies and fairies and teddies and dollies and lego and play jewellery and bags.
Some of Matilda?s favourite things -?I hope she can hold onto being a little girl for a few years yet.
I love you my Matilda Bear ? you have lit up my life since the moment you arrived and I never fail to be amused, entertained and amazed at your energy, your drive and your theatrics.
Happy 7th Birthday, Princess!
Sharing the birthday wishes this Tuesday with Jess for IBOT.

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