
I?ve been hard at work getting some excellent dividend related articles for the last few weeks. If you haven?t read any of them, be sure to give them a visit. Here are some of the more recent ones I?ve published:
And if you have any interest, I?ve also written an article recently about Silver Investing. With that update, I now leave you with the always awesome Carnival Submissions.
Jamie @ Financial Footsteps writes Should you rent a furnished apartment? ? Furnished apartments take the hassle out of moving, but is the savings worth it?
harry campbell @ Your Personal Finance Pro writes Investing in I Bonds: An Intro to I Bonds for Young Investors ? Believe it or not, the money in your savings and checking accounts is actually losing money. It doesn?t even matter what bank you have. Whether you bank online, or brick and mortar; they?re all losing money due to inflation. Inflation usually won?t appear all of a sudden, but it can systematically eat away at your returns over time.
Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Closing Costs for a New Home ? Here is Your Arm and Leg? ? We are closing on our new house in a couple of weeks. Here are our closing costs and what we will have left in our emergency fund.
Kanwal @ Simply Investing writes Which Company Has Increased Their Dividend Over 1000%? ? In late 2002 this stock was selling for about $15 to $18 a share, and the dividend was $0.19 per share. Remember a dividend is a cash payment made to all share holders. So if you bought 500 shares in this company back in 2002 for $15 each, you would receive $95 (500 shares x $0.19) in dividends just for owning those shares.
Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes The Cost of Raising a Child ? Raising children are expensive. You should consider ALL the costs before jumping in with both feet.
Shawanda @ You Have More Than You Think writes 4 Hardcore Strategies to Torch Debt, Rack Up Cash, and Build Wealth Now ? To reach financial freedom, don?t pussyfoot around your money problems. Tackle them like a boss. Go ahead: Complete online surveys.
Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes Getting Used to Debt ? Find out how and why people grow accustomed to debt and ways you can pay off your debt as soon as possible.
Invest It Wisely @ Invest It Wisely writes Explore All of Your Options Prior to Attending College ? I have seen this first hand as an educator and I have developed a hypocrisy that is ill-fitted for my career path. I, no longer feel that a college education is the most logical step post-high school.
Joe @ Midlife Finance writes Giving So It Helps ? Want to help something or someone you care about? Donating to a charity, helping a local cause out, or aiding someone you love?there are practical ways to do it that not only help the recipient, but give you concrete ways to make the best of it.
Rod @ ROD Blog writes Ally Interest Checking Account Review ? Ally Interest Checking Account is a great free alternative to traditional big bank checking accounts. Here is a list of features and disadvantages.
Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes Investing in Egypt?s future ? With Europe and the USA facing huge economic challenges and barely registering any meaningful growth, investors around the world are looking more and more at alternative markets in which to place their capital.
PITR @ Passive Income To Retire writes Real Estate Limited Partnership ? Limited partnerships can be quite confusing. Find out the basic qualities of a limited partnership and the benefits of a real estate limited partnership.
SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Common Budgeting Mistakes ? Find out the common budgeting mistakes and how to avoid them to keep your budget in control.
SFB @ Simple Finance Blog writes Do You Really Need Quicken? ? What are the advantages and disadvantage of Quicken? Is it better than free online tools like Mint? Who will be best benefited by using Quicken?
Todd @ Financial Mentor writes The Essential Wealth Building Principle Revealed By Roth IRA Conversions (It?s Not What You Think!) ? Explains a unique and important wealth building principle using Roth IRA conversions as an example. Learn how you can accelerate your wealth plans?
Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes How Much Does That Tooth Cost? ? My son is now at the age when the baby teeth start falling out. I forgot how exciting this event is for kids.
Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes DIY Home Repairs ? I am no carpenter. I grew up in a time where my Dad told me it was worth my time to bring my car to the shop instead of try and fix it.
Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes Closing On Your First Home: What to Expect at the Closing Table ? Today we will talk about Closing on Your First Home: What to Expect at the Closing of your first home? Well it is such a huge investment and you might be wondering who would be represent at the Closing Table.
Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes Lifestyle Inflation ? What To Consider Before Telling Yourself Yes ? Thinking about upgrading your gadgets? Ask yourself these 5 questions before you take the plunge.
Aloysa @ My Broken Coin writes Why I Chose To Live in a Small Home ? Our homes tell our stories. They tell us who we are, what we value, what we care about, who we love, and what we dream about. Our homes expose who we are. About a month or so ago, I finally admitted to myself that our one-bedroom condo is a perfect place for me. It probably comes as a surprised to some of you because you know me as a spender and a shopaholic. Read my thoughts as to why I choose my small house!
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes Save Money with Geothermal Heat ? Geothermal heat pumps are one of the most efficient ways to heat and cool your home. This is because a heat pump, unlike other heating systems, doesn?t create any heat. It simply moves heat from the ground, into your home, using a refrigeration circuit and a collector system buried in the ground.
ETZ25 @ Entertainment Timez writes Biking For Charity ? Triple Win ? Read how my family goes biking for charity every year and how this year, I got to go too! I view the form of entertainment as a triple win!
Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The Saving Conundrum. Are Savers Financial Losers? ? Well are Savers also financial LOSERS? Read more to find out, perhaps you?ll be surprised!
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes 5 Reasons why Passive Income is too Good to be True ? Are you thinking about focusing on passive income? While it is possible, don?t ignore these warnings about passive income.
TDB @ Tax Deduction Blog writes Are Flexible Spending Accounts worth it? ? This is just what we need ? one more thing to stress about in our lives! I?m talking about the flexible spending account, happily, not available to everyone. In the twisted tangle of rules and regulations that is the federal tax code, the flexible spending account (FSA) can really sneak up and bite you in?
IMB @ Investing Money writes Real Estate Investing- A Viable Investment Strategy? ? Find out if real estate investing is a great option for you. It may take more time, but it has a lot of benefits.
JP @ My Family Finances writes Yes. Parents Should Open a 529 Plan for Their Children ? The simple fact is that if college costs continue to grow at current rates, you?d have trouble saving too much money. Don?t let the magical final number get in your way of starting a 529 Plan.
John @ Married (with Debt) writes Threats to Debt Freedom ? The biggest threat to debt freedom is?going back in debt, and that?s one of my biggest worries now that we are debt free (minus the house). I don?t plan on going out and borrowing any money in the near future, but I guess that?s the idea.
Jason @ Live Real Now writes The Evils of a Reverse Mortgage ? If money is tight and you have no prospects, a reverse mortgage may be a valid consideration. A better consideration would be to take out a traditional loan and make monthly payments out of that lump sum, or sell your house outright and move someplace more affordable.
A Blinkin @ Funancials writes How Can I Bet Against the Stock Market? ? How to bet against the stock market with put options, shorting stock and inverse ETFs.
Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes Becoming a Dad: Uniquely, Predictably Amazing ? One wonders why health insurance prices are going up. Perhaps it?s because something that should have cost less than $60 was billed for $369 and settled for $196. At the very least you?d think that my insurance should be able to negotiate a better rate than CVS offers the general public.
Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Protection for your Money ? Protection of money is not exactly a hot topic these days. Heck, most people don?t even save their money! Use some fundamentals to ensure that your money stays safe.
krantcents @ KrantCents writes Plan for the Unexpected! ? What do you do when the unexpected happens? Things happen and you cannot do much about it. You cannot plan for every expense, but you can plan for the unexpected! You can set aside savings for the unexpected as an emergency fund. Things happen such as illness or your car breaks down.
Jason @ Work Save Live writes What Does Life Insurance Cover? 4 Ways to Help Your Legacy ? Today?s post will be a little different as I?m going to integrate video for the first time ever here on WSL! So, before you skip down to today?s post, please take 1 minute and watch the video below: What Does Life Insurance Cover?
Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Reading the Signs in the Current Bond Market ? Investors are currently facing difficult choices: lower their expectations and/or take more risk. Is this the solution?
Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes Finding The Best Credit Card Rewards ? There are a lot of places that claim to know the best credit card for rewards, but the truth is that the best rewards for credit cards are truly up to the individual who uses them. The reason is that each person values things differently.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Being Frugal and Dating ? Being frugal and dating is hard to do. It?s a fine line that you have to walk. Step too far to one side and you come off as cheap.
Daisy @ Add Vodka writes My Expensive Rescue Dog ? We got F, our ?new? rescue dog about a month and a half ago and she has been great. She fits right into our little family and gets along great with our other dog, T.
Passive Income Earner @ The Passive Income Earner writes Understanding a Reverse Mortgage ? For some reasons, I am hearing more and more about leveraging a reverse mortgage as a retirement plan. I wanted to understand the details of a reverse mortgage and share my findings with you.
Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Prepaid Cards ? The Perfect Gift? ? Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone? Whether it is for Christmas or for their birthday, you have many options. A few years ago, you were left with very few options. It was either a specific item that you made or purchased OR cash. That was it. Only a couple options.
Teacher Man @ My University Money writes Spending Money On Campus Food ? It?s just that it?s so easy not to make lunch in the morning, and then at night there are so many other things to do. Hey, it?s just going to happen this one time anyway right?
Young @ Young And Thrifty writes Should You Invest In Apple? ? I love Apple and have pretty large exposure to it. Now some of you who?ve been around here for a while might be scratching their heads. After all, how can a guy that has an ETF eBook sign up on the right hand side of his blog suggest a specific stock to buy?
Robert @ Entrepreneurship & Life writes Get Out of the Home Office with a Co-Working Space ? When starting a new company, you might be stuck working in a home office for a long time. While many entrepreneurs enjoy that, others get sick of the lonely feeling and isolation of working alone at home. While a company office might not be cost-effective, co-working might be a good fit.
Eddie @ Finance Fox writes Saving Money on Home Renovations ? Increase the value of your home or just want to make your house more livable until the housing market bounces back, home renovations are the way to go
Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes Nuggets of Information I Took Away from Popular Financial Books ? I used to think that I needed to soak up every piece of information and tip that came my way?otherwise, I was wasting my time and potentially someone
Josh Thompson @ Becoming Your Own Bank writes The Most Successful Strategy to Never Retire ? Want to make sure you pay high fees and put your money at risk? Well you may already be in the boat if you are listening to the generic so called financial gurus on the radio and television. Buying term and investing in mutual funds may be about the worst strategy to date, yet it is still being touted as the way to go. Here are the facts and the statistics you may not be aware of?
Ashley @ Money Talks Coaching writes Too Hard To Save? ? On the way home from the bloggers conference I sat in the middle row between two guys.
Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Be Handy, Save Money! ? Mr. LH can take things apart, oil, tighten, fix parts then put the object back together good as new. It has saved us a lot of money in terms of not having to replace fans, vacuums, and many of our appliances through the years.
Sam @ Money Management Blog writes Pre-Tax vs. Post-Tax Income ? Pre- and post-tax income are not the same thing. I talk about how to get more out of pre-tax income.
Sicorra @ Tackling Our Debt writes What is Debt Consolidation, and How Can It Help You? ? When you are in debt, it can be difficult to know how to manage the situation. With so many accounts, and payments, and interest rates, it is easy to become discouraged. One way you can deal with this issue is to consolidate your debts.
PPlan @ Provident Plan writes Does God Want You to Drive a Hybrid? ? Hybrid cars are becoming increasingly more affordable and popular. Find out why you should consider buying one.
Deacon @ Well Kept Wallet writes Why it Pays to Check Your Cell Phone Bill ? This might be a shock to you, but there can be charges on your cell phone bill that you never authorized. The other day I was going through our bill and I discovered that there were charges for $9.99 from two different companies that I have never heard of before.
Marie at Family Money Values @ Family Money Values writes Need a Loan ? Make the Case to Your Family Bank ? Although interest rates on loans are low these days, the approval process to get the loan can be interesting. Credit card rates are as high as ever and lets not even talk about student loans. What if your family had it?s own bank that you could go to for a loan?
TRL @ The Retired Landlord writes Traits of a Profitable Rental Property ? Find out what makes a successful rental property more profitable than others. Knowing these three traits can make a huge difference.
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes Guest Post ? How to Earn More Money ? There?s a lot of ways you can improve your financial situation. Most of the time, blogs like this focus on how to save money or invest your savings to earn more money. But it?s also possible to earn more money if you know what to do.
Steve @ The Loonie Bin writes Video on Dividend Investing ? I really enjoyed learning how to make these videos and as you can tell from my first one, I?m getting a little better at it. The written word can be entertaining, but I?ve always enjoyed animation and find it?s such an amazing way of expressing yourself.
Cash Flow Mantra @ Cash Flow Mantra writes Getting Started on Taxes ? Even though I have an accountant fill out all the forms and prepare my taxes, I learned several years back that it is important to know the tax code (as best as it can be known by any individual) and to communicate your situation effectively. It is also important to have a rough idea of what you might owe and why.
Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Highest Paying Jobs 2012 ? Highest Paying Jobs 2012 is a post from: Broke Professionals if you enjoy it, please visit us and subscribe to the Feed. When I decided to go back to work in the early 1980?s, I did a bit of research to see what the highest paying and most available jobs were at the time. If found in information rewarding, so I thought I?d do likewise.
Penny Thots @ Penny Thots writes Inflation Benefits for the One Percent ? With 4% inflation, households are poorer, as they can buy fewer goods and services, and those producing goods and services see their market shrink by 20%. Inflation is a disaster for everyone but the banks.
CF @ The Outlier Model writes 5 Questions to ask when buying a condo ? There are a lot more things to think about when you?re buying a place, rather than renting. Here are just a few things to consider if you?re living in the city and thinking of getting a condo.
Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes Earn Money Online: BeRuby ? BeRuby is another place for those who wish to earn money online. Read about this great option!
Corey @ 20s Finances writes Actual Cost of an iPhone 5 ? The iPhone 5 has hit the markets and is ready for consumers. Have you calculated how much it will cost you to own the iPhone 5?
Jeremy @ Modest Money writes How Blogging Helped Land A Sweet Job ? One of my priorities with my blog was to continue to expand my website marketing skills and beef up my resume. That way, even if my blog did not produce enough income early on I would at least be able to leverage it into getting a new job. Things did work out that way, but I never would have predicted the extent to which they did.
Maria @ The Money Principle writes Why I don?t have aggressive investments ? I have always had good intuition for and understanding of risk. Too chicken to use this in spread betting, property and aggressive investments. Change?
Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes Landlord Issues: Things to Consider Before Buying a Rental Property ? Our Old House When I bought my first house in late 2004 I did so intending to use the basement area in the new addition as a room rental.
Savvy Scot @ The Savvy Scot writes Too Rich to Care ? When asked ?How much does a pint of milk cost?? What do you think famous / rich people answered? WARNING: This post might make you laugh!
Miranda @ Financial Highway @ Financial Highway writes Steps to Buying a House ? Even the best of times, one of the most common questions asked is, ?How to make money fast?? While an increase in income can ease the way things work in your personal economy, it won?t necessarily solve all your problems. You will still need a plan for the wise management of your financial resources.
Darnell @ Excess Return writes The Risk and Rewards of Investing in Gold ? With the recent rally in gold prices investors are wondering ?should I invest in gold?? Investing in gold may have its rewards, but there are also risks.
Steve @ Canadian Personal Finance writes Top 6 Financial Cliches That Can Make You Rich ? It is kind of funny how we often overlook the ultimate cliches that might actually make bill pay easy on our pockets, that is make us richer and help us afford more. So what are those little things that are applied to your daily schedule can make you rich? Before we discuss that in details here is some food for thought.
Mich @ BeatingTheIndex writes Touchstone Exploration: Growing Oil Production in Trinidad and Tobago ? Touchstone is a junior producer with about 2,000 barrels of oil from the island nation of Trinidad & Tobago. Take a closer look at an established producer in an island flush with oil.
Steven @ Grocery Alerts writes Best Products to Buy in October ? October is a beautiful time of year with the leaves slowly changing colours and the fun of Halloween. I wanted to share some ideas for products that are some good buys this month including camping equipment, air conditioners, turkeys, outdoor furniture and certain produce.
Glen Craig @ Free From Broke writes How to Become a Millionaire ? We?d all love to be millionaires but the big question is how to become a millionaire? See some steps you must take if you ever hope to call yourself millionaire.
Lance @ Money Life and More writes Two Huge Problems with Dividend Stocks Right Now ? Dividend stocks have been quite popular lately and for a good reason. Most quality dividend stocks pay out a consistent amount of money on a fairly set time schedule. I have two problems that make me wary of dividend stocks right now so make sure you pay attention.
Bill @ Budgets Are Awesome writes How to Feel Rich Even if You Are Broke ? See why saving $10 per month is like having $48,000 in your savings account. Change the way you see your money.
Source: http://wealthartisan.com/dividend-articles-and-a-carnival/
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